Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Aamir Khan, mother, visits ex-wife Reena Dutta after her father’s death.






In a video, Aamir Khan exits Reena Dutta’s house as he sits in his car. He keeps his hand on his chest and looks around him.

Actor Aamir Khan and his mother, Zeenat Hussain, visited his ex-wife, Reena Dutta, on Wednesday after her father’s death. The family bond that emerged on social media platforms was evident in the videos and pictures of the trio outside Reena’s home in Mumbai.

Aamir visits Reena after her dad’s death.

In a video, Aamir exits Reena’s house as he sits in his car. He keeps his hand on his chest and looks around him. The actor is dressed in a red and white kurta and brown dhoti. Zeenat, dressed in a green kurta, exits her car at Reena’s home.

About Aamir Khan and Reena

Aamir and Reena Dutta married in 1986. They have a daughter, Ira Khan, and a son, Junaid Khan. Aamir and Reena divorced in 2002. He later married Kiran Rao in 2005, but they decided to part ways in 2021 due to personal differences after 15 years of marriage. They have a son, Azad, through surrogacy.

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